Black Solvent Coupler


SKU: N/A Category:

Solvent Weld Straight Connectors should be used in conjunction with Solvent Weld PVC pipework. These Straight Connectors/Joiners are used to join 2 pieces of Solvent Weld Pipe together.

  • Manufactured to high standards
  • Used to join 2 lengths of pipe together
  • For use in conjunction with Solvent Weld PVC Pipe
  • Secure with Solvent Cement for a strong permanent connection
  • Black for discrete installation
  • Available in 2 sizes; 50mm and 110mm

Solvent Weld pipe and fittings are strong and durable and will provide a permanent connection when secured with Solvent Cement.

Weight N/A

40mm, 50 mm, 82mm, 110 mm


Air Aqua, Aqua Source, Bactoplus, Cobra, Columbo, DeltaLab, Everweld, Evolution Aqua, EZ Ponds, Flow Friend, JPD, Kusuri, Matsuko, Norfine, Oase, Red Label, RP Aquatics, RP Aquatics, RSFeeder, Saki Hikari, Seneye, SKS, Solvent Weld, Spin Drifter, Supa Tuff, Superfish, Takazumi, Tap, Trans Instruments, Valterra, WMK, WMK Bakki Showers